Ted's building service

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by CyborgTed, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. apearantly maximum maxmimum is 37 cells lol also u may need to pay half in advance including im not rich lol cause i just ordered and had a Dc of quartz flakes delivered to are outpost on smp4
  2. Pretty sure that each cell has to be 64 blocks away from another cell and since they all have to be loaded by a single afker then yeah I'd assume there's some limit.
  3. It's the max for a single farm.
    The farms are placed 3x3 and however many you have going up or down, of which the max is usually three high because of the height limit
  4. 180k right on the dot but for such a large order ill take of 20k so 160k
  5. How efficient would it be? (iron per hour of afk)
  6. i cant tell u that but i can tell u that roughly there would be 1 golem every 48.75 seconds
  7. BUMP looking for employees and need jobs to do :D
  8. 5 Cell Iron Farm Please.
    Res 3600 Smp2. I need it ASAP.
  9. iron farms cant be built in town
  10. Still looking for employees
  11. Remember to keep bumps at least 3 hours apart from the last post. ;)
    Also, I may be interested as an employee.
  12. Sorry for the bump part but what are your strongs in minecraft?
  13. My strengths: redstone, wilderness experience, farming, and area clearing
  14. You are accepted i love terraforming i should add that
  15. Cool. Should i meet you online to figure out my current job?
  16. At the moment there are no jobs waiting for someone to order :(