Supporter vouchers

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Mob_Meal, May 12, 2017.

  1. I know vouchers have to be handled manually and it can take time. That being said, is it possible to turn in a voucher ahead of time so that it can be set up to start when the current supporter ends? So that there would be no lapse in benefits. I was a paid supporter for a year (6mo @ a time Gold member), but Mrs Meal said that had to go. So I'm stuck buying vouchers with rupees.
  2. Ive used multiple at one time for multiple months in a row so I'm sure if you include it in the message thing on the google form you will be fine.
    Mob_Meal and ShelLuser like this.
  3. Yes it's possible. I've had the same problem as you a few times and also wanted a bit of a continence so I requested the same thing, and Krysyy worked it out for me.

    Just make sure you clearly explain what you want, so that she'll have no problem understanding the whole thing (that's the most important part I think).

    It can even work "the other way around" a bit. A few weeks back Aya was Iron and got her hands on a Gold voucher. Because it would help with the event she figured that an upgrade (Iron to Gold) might be useful. Even figured that she didn't really care about "losing" a few days of time, also because this is all manual effort and all. So she asked. Well, the results can be seen right now: she's gold at the time of writing :)

    For the record: I really admire the effort Krysyy is willing to put into all this. If things are possible then there's a big chance she can (and will!) try to help you out. But as said before: just make sure you clearly explain what you want.

    Hope this helped!
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