[Supporter] Supporter Expiration Explanation

Discussion in 'Official Empire Guides' started by JackBiggin, May 24, 2013.

  1. I really need to go to sleep :p I read 'Any Vault pages claimed as supporter' as under 'Things lost when downgrading' >.>
    cddm95ace likes this.
  2. actually i just thought of this - who will be the hamster - jack or AzHamster ? hmm... :D
    jrm531 likes this.
  3. Just make sure you remain active on the site. If you are no longer a supporter and gone for longer than 10 days, all residences of yours are up for grabs if someone wants them to be reset. ALWAYS make sure to log in.
  4. yep - AND if you 'know' that you're going to be longer than 10 days and want to keep your res - pm a (snr.) staff member so they can give you derelict protection. :)