Super Turkey Extermination Service

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by Mob_Meal, Nov 29, 2016.

  1. What is this service? Exactly what it sounds like! Have a pesky Super Turkey that is constantly bothering you with alerts while you are working on your wild base? Getting headaches from all the gobbling?

    Just contact me! I will hunt down the foul beast (pun intended). Once the turkey(s) is/are slain I will split all drops with you! Odd numbered drops will be rounded in my favor. Any Turkey Slicers will be auctioned off and the rupees split evenly! Or, you may pay me 20,000r and I'll hand over the slicer to you (negotiable). You may request to be present while I hunt if I can arrange a suitable time.

    All base locations will be kept completely secret with the strictest of confidentiality. I can provide several well known character references if necessary.

    You can submit your request here in this thread, pm on forum or pm in-game.
    TomvanWijnen and LtCaptainMe like this.
  2. I guess the infestation isn't as bad this year.
  3. Not a single nuisance Turkey?