Super huge pumpkin patch on SMP5?

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by TransitBiker, Oct 10, 2017.

  1. I am trying to figure out who owns the huge pumpkin patch near central wild on SMP5. I would like to do the upkeep on it & schedule harvest events. The terrain there now is a bit hard to navigate, and it would be cool to have a central spot for farming supplies and public access chests.

    So, who owns this pumpkin patch? Can i take over management of it?

    - Andy
  2. If you're standing on the residence then use: /res info, that'll tell you exactly who owns it. If the residence has move turned off then no worries: you can still find out. All residences are laid out in 'rings' so some residences next to it will always have a number which is one higher (or lower) than the res. you want to investigate.

    I don't know from mind how the numbering sequence goes, but that's easily found out by walking around a bit.

    Then, when you have determined the residence number just use: /res info <#nr> and you'll also find out all there is to know about it.
  3. If he does /res info he should get something like "Please Specify or stand on a residence" ;p
    Just messing with you shel <3

    There's a pumpkin patch just outside of Wild C on smp5 (wilderness)
    hamboy14, ShelLuser and TomvanWijnen like this.

  4. TomvanWijnen likes this.
  5. I definitely do not want to muscle in on something belonging to someone else that may just be taking a break from emc or something. I have experience managing large farms (bigger than this, actually!) on a private invite only server. I would love to clean it up a bit and make it easier to navigate for people just passing through & actually replant missing plants and ultimately make pumpkin pie to give away to people who are low on food & seeds for players to do their own pumpkin farming.

    - Andy
  6. but... but... but.... uhm... :oops:

    It can also be pretty wild in town you know! :D

    Yah, small oversight on my end :)
  7. Of course it can be, did you even see the tree growing out of my mini castle?! :D :) ;)

    - Andy
  8. So, what's the verdict? I want to get to work asap. A lot of lowering/raising & filling in where the pumpkins grow needs to be done to make it less of a death trap, and it will be expanded to make a solid rectangle vs a biome-ish type splotch. One area will have hoppers placed under it for quick harvesting without worrying about inventory space, and that will be expanded to the whole thing eventually. So, there are my plans for the actual patch area itself. Don't wanna seem rushed or anything. Just need the OK to start (or not to not). :D

    - Andy
    fBuilderS likes this.
  9. Ask one of the moderators to find the owner. Some builds could seem abandoned, but players could still be using them. I like all of your plans/ideas. That's one big pumpkin farm. :D
  10. Toade was looking for locked chests the other day. There are a few around, but none of them seem directly associated specifically with the pumpkin farm. There is some kind of floating town in the area, and that s what most of the chests seem associated with. The floating town does use jack-o-lantern for lighting, but the number of them in use for that seems pretty low to justify the size of the pumpkin patch. The floating town has been there since i joined, and i explored it early on, i have never seen anyone there or around there on the live map ever. I have been working with FbuilderS on the iron farm quite a bit, using the live map to locate block coords etc, and i never saw any players anywhere near those areas. I also seem to be the only one harvesting pumpkin from the patch (they re-grow really quickly, so that may not be an indication) for use with pie making (spares for when i'm out with other players) and jack-o-lantern making (iron farm etc).

    - Andy
    fBuilderS likes this.