[Suggestion] World Chat

Discussion in 'The Suggestion Box' started by GreenMeanie, Jan 2, 2023.

  1. Out of all of the chat channels that we have on the Empire, I feel like the Server channel is the most unused of them all. The only time I've seen it used is on Games during an event, and when someone is in the frontier and wants to ask everyone else there to sleep in a bed.

    My suggestion is to replace the Server chat with a new World chat. The purpose of this channel is somewhat self explanatory, but only the players in the same world as you would see the messages. This would prevent people in town from seeing your request for everyone in the wilderness to sleep.

    In my opinion, this specific use-case doesn't really warrant a new channel, but it would add a more vanilla feel to chat.

    Personally, I feel like the channel colour could be pink, but since not everyone likes pink, I guess we could stick with the &c colour what we have now.
    607, UltiPig, Fred_TWK and 5 others like this.
  2. I disagree, while in the past 6 months that I’ve been present there’s been little chat activity in general in EMC compared to “back in my day” situations. The few times that we had actual conversation was using server chat and wouldn’t like it gone.

    Secondly, Location is not a publicly available data point - if you have /map show off ; even your /p username doesn’t show in which world you are currently located. The chat you are proposing would circumvent this via /c who or just speaking in chat.
    sonicol and Kryarias like this.
  3. The same rule could apply to /ch who. If you're hidden from the map, you wouldn't appear in the command.

    Also, knowing you're in the wild tells me little to nothing about where you are in the world.
    607 and Fred_TWK like this.
  4. I use Sc or Lc often to keep from cluttering the community chat. It is unfortunate that those chats still have not been color-coded to make them easier to follow (like pm's are) a discussion.

    You've missed a bit: Being on smp6 will let you see the world that other smp6'ers are in, when you /p info players. This suggestion isn't necessary in the long run ... there are plenty of channels already.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  5. Honestly I think it would be great to have a world chat. Maybe we dont have to replace server chat, but add to it. Im assuming greenie suggested the removal of server chat in attempt to not have so many chat options.

    I think world chat would just assist with who to ping when you are trying to sleep through the night. I dont like asking the whole server to sleep when Im not sure who is in town or not, I feel like Im bugging others.

    Also Katy if someone is on map hide when you /p info them it doesnt tell you what world they are in. just what server they are connected to. (Maybe we just adjust that setting, where it always says the world, but wouldnt show you on the map.)
    I understand wanting to be hidden on the map. Im not sure what the harm is in people knowing what world you are in.
    607 and Tuqueque like this.