I am suggesting a "/Vault View <vault page/name>" command. you would type it in and you could SEE the vault page, but not add or remove items from it. it would be usable in the wild, town, and every other world. it would be preferrably free, but could be 10r cost each time. i am perparing dc's of items in the nether, and i don't know how much of the item(s) i have. thanks for considering, tech
First Anyway Love the Idea i had to go and talk with famly and i wasnt able to do anything sorry for the spammamable
I like this idea it would be great. As some people like me forget what we put in the vault XD or to see how much room is left Love it.
Sorry for double post, on an iPhone, spamm•am•able say that a couple of times... As for usage in the wild/nether, I think their should be SOME cost for it.
so if you are making an auction and are keeping the items in your vault, you can see how much you have. get it?