[Suggestion] Truly Remote Shopping

Discussion in 'The Suggestion Box' started by EquableHook, Feb 19, 2023.


Good idea?

Yes 4 vote(s) 50.0%
No 4 vote(s) 50.0%
  1. Hi EMC,

    This has most likely been suggested in the past, but I thought it would be worth throwing it out. My own issue arose when I returned to EMC where I was on the hunt for concrete/glass and other building materials to buy, but much of the known shops that I use to know have since gone out of buisness, out of stock, or insanely out of market value.

    What if... you could open up a player interactive interface that had every single item in it (Thinking of like the creative GUI) and you could click on an item you want and it brings up a simple GUI that displays the Buy price and sell price from players that have created a shop within this system. Simply put this idea would create a "remote market" where there could be a collective place to buy and sell items without having to hunt down for shops and wasting valuable build time. Creating an on demand, price competitive market!

    Some Questions/Answers there could be.
    What if a shop is out of stock? Simple- It would be moved to a section that would indicate "Shops out of stock" and only the stocked shops would remain in the "Stocked page"

    What if I am buying items, but dont want to have all my rupees "Vulnerable": Maybe there could be a "Rupee shop max": Where you set your maximum amount of "Shop rupees" to 10k. That way you dont go bankrupt via this accessible shopping experience.

    Room for supporter perks! Where certain ranks can sell more items. (Quartz 10, Iron 20, Gold 50, Diamond 100 varying items).

    Possibly a new form of "Virtual shop vault" will need to exist so that only a DC of an item could be in stock at a time. More "pages" could be purchased similar to Vault/Stable vouchers for the item that is being sold?

    This is only my personal thoughts as I think this could really bring back the EMC economy and too it would help new players become acquainted with finding materials, learning the market price, and create accessibility to the market.
    NuclearBobomb likes this.
  2. Reserved for future comments.

    Creating an "Amazon" like shopping experience
  3. -1 sorry :(

    Ideally we have a balance between the community aspect of shopping and convenience, and I think this might lean to far away from community, think of it sorta like this:
    a conversation Ive seen on EMC every now and then was players reminiscing about the first shop they bought from after joining (random but Ive seen it come up several times)

    but would you recognize the amazon seller that you bought your cheese shaped hat from yesterday?

    I do think connecting players to shops is important for the economy though,
    I would be really curious to hear what you think of my shopworld board idea :) perhaps there could be some middle point between our ideas! :D
    607, Tuqueque and DrasLeona247 like this.
  4. I could see value in a shopboard. The only downside to a shopboard is not know "exactly" what one sells. Would be cool to implement possibly in your idea a "preview" feature, where players could show off what they are selling.

    My one issue with shopping now a days is quite literally determining what people sell and It becomes quite a bit a nuisance shop hopping to find that item ya know?

    I guess to contradict you directly haha I think that an "Amazon" shopping experience is what is needed in EMC.
    607 likes this.
  5. Yup, this has certainly been suggested before. :D
    I would be curious to hear from others in favour of this suggestion.
  6. I would also like to think of this thread as a conversation for how we as a community could see an improved EMC economy that is more accessible.
  7. 607 likes this.
  8. (And to answer to your main proposal)

    Right now, one of the few things a player can focus on is making a shop that isn’t already done. I would argue top second “critique” by new players when they arrive is that “everything” is already done (ie. all public farms/facilities available)… but with a shop they can compete in a niche if they want to specialize and can focus on theming their shop however they want/being creative about it…

    So as jewel said, I think an amazon like experience will hurt even more in the long run just due to being too much of an isolated experience in the context of already declining engagement rates

    I think the issue of tackling shop visibility should be resolved differently.
    607 likes this.