[SUGGESTION] Trade Signs For Shops

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by caden672, Mar 27, 2014.

  1. You totes ninja quoted me as I was editing the 'possible sign' hehehe
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  2. Real good thought process, I personally would attempt to use a Chest UI for something like this, and I know that would be possible. Place the target chest, then place a sign above it labled '[TRADE]'

    this sign, then autopopulates lines 2 and 3 with 'playername' and 'tradedata' ( a number that makes more sense in a minute)

    You could then do a command that is /trade something tradedata [for] something else

    like /trade 1 iron block [tradedata] 1 diamond

    This would now set the system that when you clicked on that sign, it would show an iron block, its lore would state the trade price (i.e. Item name: 1 IRON BLOCK Item Lore: Cost: 1 Diamond Availible: (However many are in the chest matching the trade data)) upon click it issues the trade. You could even store multiple items in a chest because it would just reference the trade data. Its not an easy job.. but I think the above would be far easier than doing signs... and, you could still use custom id sets for promo items.. or you could have it recognize prize items under their own name. /itemid could also be updated to show new custom id sets for the Special/promo items, so you would only need to hold it in your hand to check, and like you mentioned, a wiki page for reference would also be nice.
    caden672 likes this.
  3. One potential arrangement:
    Chest above contains item to be given, chest below is for item received.
    Use [slot] system for promotional items or other 'unique' ID's

    (Also, I borked my bookstore build loading the 1.8-snapshot map in 1.7 just now. :()
    caden672 likes this.
  4. Okay - i gotcha ... this is way easier :D

    maybe instead of having them type in a (trade data) having to memorize it and such and instead of having to have a chest ... to just have them put down a sign that says [Trade] ... and the sign will switch and say:

    (player name)

    and then the person would type /trade (for) item, item, item....
    a chest gui will pop up saying:

    Please put items in the chest to validate the trade

    If you don't put items in it, and then close it - it will say trade failed - no items were added.
    If you put items in it, and then close it - it will say trade validated - right click a blank [trade] sign to complete

    The sign will then auto update saying:
    (player name)
    (trade data)

    When a person right clicks the sign there will be a chest gui appear with the top rows showing what the person is offering ... the rows below that showing what they are asking for ... and the final row is where the player inserts in their items:

    if a person who opened the chest gui inserts the items ... if they match up to what was being asked ... they will receive the person's items, yours will be taken - and the person who made the initial trade will be notified a message on login.

    if the person putting in items doesn't put in the correct types or amounts it will give them their items back and say 'sorry, incorrect type (amount)'

    if the person putting in items puts in too many - the trade will proceed but they will receive the left over items back into their inventory.

    if the person putting in items doesn't have enough inventory space - the trade won't proceed and will ask them to clear inventory space first.

    if the person who started the trade types /trade cancel ... it will ask them to right click a trade sign to cancel

    if the person right clicks the sign it will auto blank out the sign ... and put items back in their inventory

    if their inventory is full it will tell them to empty out their inventory before cancelling.
    caden672 and ISMOOCH like this.
  5. Actually smooch now that i just realized what i posted .... it's basically almost the same exact thing as the mail feature ... except to essentially open up that person's 'mail' they'd need to have the required items to proceed :3
  6. Right, a dynamic chest system.. is a dynamic chest system. You can use it for anything really. You could use the core behind that whole entire system.. and just make more... interactive.. and boom... Trading instead of mailing.
    caden672 likes this.
  7. I like the idea, but I just don't see how it would be possible.

    Also, it's Incitatius, not Incantus.
  8. I do like the idea, and one lots of us have wanted. But the difficulty of how to implement it to be simple and usable by players of all ages/levels of intelligence/skill is the hard part.

    The coding of it i'll leave to Aikar's expertise and his team. :) Aikar makes water into wine. lol my knowledge of coding is more like making water into flavored water. I understand the concepts, but I cannot work miracles.

    You'd just need to make sure it's fail safe, cannot be exploited/abused. And I see lots of ways it could be, depending on how it'd work.

    One thing to note is Item ID's will not exist come 1.8. They'll be replaced with item names (which are simple intuitive names anyway). I'm not sure how that will work with items that have durability or multiple enchants, I should find out... Which doesn't affect much really, except it'll take more room than a single sign to write.

    However, this idea may conflict with the economy aims of the server. As it would take away from currency sales. Not sure if that's a direction Aikar wants to go?

    Another possible system:
    Live Auction broadcast system for town. Perhaps even across servers.
    For a % fee, you can list a trade.
    Either by item name, or whatever is in your hand: /trade set [item/hand] for [item]
    Players can view the current trade offers via some command: /trade list
    players can accept a trade with another command: /trade accept #
    The items are checked if in players inventory, and if both are, they are automatically mailed to the other person.
    Can turn auction notifications on/off: /chat trade t/f on/off

    This system would require that the items are currently in the players inventory.
    That the players are both in town.
    That the items are within the limit able to be mailed.
    Etc, etc.

    Just a rough idea.
  9. I like all these ideas thank you for posting them and reading this tread keep the ideas coming!