[Suggestion] Show Block Break, Vouch, and Notification Settings in Friends List

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by TheDarkAngel7, Aug 23, 2017.

  1. Hey EMCers!

    I'm sure the friends system is something we've all got acquainted to and gotten a lot of use out of! I just thought of an idea for the friends list "/f list [page #]". Some of you may or may not know that these commands exist.

    "/f blockbreak <player> <yes, no, or auto>" or "/f break <player> <yes, no, or auto>" allows or disallows players on your friends list to break your blocks in the frontier/wastelands (anti-grief system). If you say auto, then the setting sets to what your PS setting is and changes with your PS setting should you change it.


    "/f vouch <player> <yes, no, or auto>" allows or disallows your friends to vouch on your behalf to allow others break your blocks (anti-grief system).


    "/f notify <playername> [alert]" toggles friend notifications if one of your friends logs into another server.

    I was thinking a little bit and thought that the yes, no, auto in those commands aren't really different from true, false, or remove with the residence permission system. So I thought, let's list those settings in the friends list ("/f list").

    My suggestion is next (to the right) to each of your friends on the list, there would be three words colored red or green (&c or &a) when they have a setting set for yes or no for that particular friend. These words would be "blockbreak" and "vouch". However, notify would always be shown next to each friend because it's currently a toggle (unless you put yes or no on the end)

    By default, of course, these words would be colored based on your PS settings, or to avoid the spam, we could place "blockbreak" and "vouch" on the top of each page of the list to tell you what the settings is set for if they set that friend to "auto" (default) and not setting them to "yes" or "no".
    In Your PS Settings:
    PS Settings: blockbreak vouch

    PS Settings: blockbreak vouch

    PS Settings: blockbreak vouch

    PS Settings: blockbreak vouch

    (PS Settings is on for both vouch and blockbreak in these examples)
    I execute "/f blockbreak Coorisnar no", then a red "blockbreak" would appear next to his name in the friends list.

    I execute "/f vouch Coorisnar no" then a red "vouch" would also appear next to his name in the friends list.

    If you put "auto" in place of "no" in those commands, the red vouch and blockbreak would disappear from beside his name then.

    I think you guys have the idea now... let me know what you think :D
    NuclearBobomb likes this.
  2. I have suggested many times and never got anywhere. The reason I got on mine was empires will have no need. But I am still plus one-hundred thousand.
    FadedMartian likes this.
  3. I know this is a bit of a bump. It is getting late, but I do not fully understand the suggestion. Are you suggesting we improve the /f list command to go ahead and add in clickable stuff to change the settings mentioned?

    If so, that sounds like a good suggestion. If not. I have no idea what is going on :confused:. Thanks!
    607 likes this.
  4. That's pretty accurate to what you said chicken. I'm also suggesting showing the "state" of what each of your friends can do as far as breaking your blocks and vouching for you if they're set to a different setting than your own player settings. Just like your "/res info" does when you set a flag for somebody with "/res pset". Plus adding clickable stuff on the "/f list" is a nice idea too to change these settings.
    607 likes this.
  5. Could be fine, but I think it's very important to hide the options, if you've got them set to default. I haven't changed these settings for anyone, so I don't need to see the default settings behind every name. :) (I know you included this in the OP; I'm just emphasising it)
  6. What about a Chest GUI style friends setup? Similar to the res perms chest gui. When you run the command and open the chest gui, it shows the head of everyone on your friends list. When you hover over the head, it gives:
    • Player name and whether they are online/offline, and if online it states which SMP
    • Whether they have an active vouch to break your blocks (and how long is left on it)
    • Whether they have blockbreak perms to always be able to break your blocks
    Then when you click on a head, a new chest gui opens with the options:
    • Vouch for player
    • Blockbreak true/false
    • Remove player from friends list
    It seems like this would be much more intuitive and easier to use, than to do all of this in the chat window. Just a thought though :)
    ChespinLover77, FadedMartian and 607 like this.
  7. I think the text version of "/friend listperm" is in the queue. Vouches would not be listed, although that seems like a good idea. Chest interface also seems like a good idea.
    ChespinLover77 and 607 like this.
  8. +9001
    Just add this.