[suggestion] No darkness res flag

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Tuqueque, Mar 16, 2017.



YAS 5 vote(s) 29.4%
ye! 5 vote(s) 29.4%
ya..No... 7 vote(s) 41.2%
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  1. This flag is for awesome air builds in town, but, since they are in the air, the ground looks ugly with shadows. Maybe some like it, but for those who don't this flag is for you.

    basicly when you do /res set nodark t it would give any player inside the res night vision for 10 secs and updates every 5 secs. Would it be OP, not really, is just for asthethics, and res owners could make leave them on its default, so no change would occur


    Changes suggested after release:
    a ps setting for the user to not be affected by the flag or not

    User Res Owner
    Wants/lets + . - . = No night vision
    Wants/lets - . + . = No night vision
    Wants/lets + . + . = YES night vision
    Wants/lets - . - . = No night vision
    607 and EndermanMagic like this.
  2. Hello, it has been a while, but I do agree.

    I have had amazing parkour courses in the past and the darkness below was kinda annoying. It would be a cool feature and probably make me laugh every time I notice it!
    Tuqueque likes this.
  3. ooo and a ps setting for the user to not be affected by the flag or not

    User Res Owner
    Wants/lets + - = No night vision
    Wants/lets - + = No night vision
    Wants/lets + + = YES night vision
    Wants/lets - - = No night vision
  4. +1. I have an event in progress and a bunch of shadows ruins the effect. This definitely isn't OP and doesn't cause unfair gameplay. :D
    Tuqueque likes this.
  5. -1. You could just use night vision for thos reses and if you really want no dark you should build in Utopia where it never gets dark.
  6. Hm, not too sure.
    I wouldn't mind it, though.
  7. -1 The main reason Utopia was made was to try and avoid issues such as this one. Use it for that purpose.
  8. -1
    Sorry but I cant see much out of this. Utopia already does it. If you are talking about inside, use lights like everyone else.
  9. No dark does NOT mean no NIGHT. It means no SHADOWS during DAY time.

    Also it isn't like Utopia is visited constantly to viw the builds. I mean that smps are more active, and I do visit builds constantly there. They aer everywhere! A player want to see the builds in their pristine state, but ugly shadows ruin them...

    If you dont want the night vision to affect at night, it can be added as well. Im suggesting an idea. which is the ability to eliminate shadows. I suggested a way to accomplish that through night vision since is what i thought of first, but if you are open to other suggestions of ways to accomplish this, I would be thankful...

    And if you want to make this a supporter only flag, then lets make it a supporter only flag

    (and im not talking inside a building, im talking about shadows created by floating buildings)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  10. Shaders, will fix all your shadow issues.... :D

    And How would it not be effected once it turns night time? If its like night vision potion to remove the shadows, then it would look like day on the res.

    I suggested something similar a while back, and it was denied as it would cause too much lag to the server if you are running by reses on horse for example.
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