[Suggestion] Increase number of recipients in forum mail

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by kevmeup, Oct 16, 2015.

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  1. They exist because I found them to add it per user. I could make AlexChance be able to invite 10,000 people to his convos and keep the rest of the moderators at 10. =P
    kevmeup likes this.
  2. Please make it so I cannot add or be added to any convo ;)
  3. Tough cookies, the limit won't go down.
  4. I think 0 means 'dont set', so setting it on the group should work
    Krysyy and kevmeup like this.
  5. I would like to invite 495 people to a convo if you could go ahead with that
  6. Limit raised to 20 for conversation participants.
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