Basically a Flag that gives the player you have chosen all the Flags, instead of individually going /res tpset SoAndSo build t etc etc, you can go /res tpset SoAndSo set all or something along those lines. I feel a lot of people want this, and I think it would be a good idea
Yes, I would like this, and I as well as many have requested something like this many times. I hope it is implemented soon!
I really dont like that form. just the way MrWhosMagic said it seems so much simpler and easier to me.
It's been a lot But it would be handy I believe we should have /res tpset Aikar,MrWhosAwesome,IcecreamCow all And the option to have all the flags on one line as well.
I like the idea (even if it's not yours ) though the command goes /res pset, as /res tpset is how you set up the teleport location .
There is a seperate ticket for 'all' already. both will be added as you dont want to give all flag out much.