[SUGGESTION] EMC Supporter Prepay

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by galazeek, Sep 30, 2012.


Is this a good idea?

Yes 7 vote(s) 33.3%
No 4 vote(s) 19.0%
Possibly, with a few tweaks 10 vote(s) 47.6%
  1. But if there was a way to prevent these things why wouldn't you. Also another point I have is what if suddenly you can't play EMC. (Computer brakes, Real life problems. etc)
  2. Simple. I would prefer having the *OPTION* of paying for longer periods. Nobody is forcing you to pay for the longer term, so how about you leave those of us that want the option alone instead of opposing something you would personally never use and trying to keep it from becoming an option for those that may actually want it?
  3. I know, I know! Don't get banned. Profit.

    I love this idea. My mum bought me iron when the servers were still full all the time, but then she switched bank account providers and I never got it back. She doesn't like auto-renewing things, incase she needs something but doesn't have enough money because an auto-renewing thing took the money. This would help ALOT with this sort of thing so she knows what she can buy.