[Suggestion] Disabling move flag on a banned person residences (Denied)

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by triphora, Oct 21, 2017.

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  1. I saw that you could not teleport to a banned person's residence(s) but could still teleport to a residence nearby and walk onto it. I think that we should disable going onto the residence altogether.
  2. Any particular reason?
    The reason is to ease in the force-claiming of a derelict banned person residence. That is the reason why you may still move on it.
  3. Well then why couldn't you have enabled tp'ing onto it?
    Cardman142 likes this.
  4. I suppose it just didn't seem necessary when we added the banned flag.
  5. Just make it so you can tp to a banned res and make everyone's life easier.
    Cardman142 likes this.
  6. I think we will probably just keep it as is. No one needs to be teleporting to banned players' residences. This also keeps them off of the /v random list.

    Edit: Suggestion denied at this time.
    Jelle68 likes this.
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