[Suggestion] Command that removes chests from Donkeys/Mules

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by CoffeeAffinity, Mar 4, 2018.


What do you think?

+1 2 vote(s) 66.7%
0 0 vote(s) 0.0%
-1 1 vote(s) 33.3%
  1. Greetings Fellow EMCers! I honestly don't know why this wasn't addressed nor why this wasn't added already, but I feel it would be beneficial to be able to remove chests that were put on Donkeys or Mules. The server automatically saves that the donkey/mule has had chest placed on them even after being eggified, so there isn't a way to remove chests from them once they've been put on.

    What do you think? Go ahead and post your thoughts below!
    Starsphere and ThaKloned like this.
  2. You seriously can't remove chests? I never knew that, I'm never letting any of my donkeys go near a chest in my life
    586 likes this.
  3. egg them and replace
    Percolate likes this.
  4. Replace? Do you mean get a new one? I would like to say that's a valid option only if that said Donkey or Mule was not a 130+ Speed that causes said entity to move slower than it normally would.
  5. Elite likes this.