[Suggestion] Christmas Magic

Discussion in 'The Suggestion Box' started by MrAdazahi, Dec 8, 2021.

  1. Hello, local horse guy here. I cometh with an idea.

    This Christmas, EMC will be finishing off the collection of reindeer with Blitzen, and I had an idea for something that could come alongside The annual horse. A red dyed leather horse armor, and it can give any horse that wears it a little taste of Santa’s magic.

    While it is originally made to fit reindeer, all horses can benefit from its effects, but to a lesser degree. Putting it on any of the reindeer will give them fire resistance and make them jump tremendously high (scales by percent based on the horses jump stat, prancer and dancer will go flying) and gain slow falling on the way down (a sort of flying, but less horrifically OP and hard to implement)

    Normal horses wearing it don’t get the jump boost, but do get the slow falling and fire resist.

    Rationale: Not much to say, the way EMC works with a huge player economy makes elytra/fireworks incredibly accessible, having personally been a big horse fan for a while now, it’s sad to see how dated horses have become. Getting the first every horse-specific promo that gives them a leg up in the competition for exploration, and removes some debilitating factors for horses (falling in lava pools, falling off cliffs) could make them a little more fun to actually use, but likely still inferior to wings.

    Additionally, a concept for the stats of Blitzen: Given his name, I would assume this is going to be another fast one, faster than dasher, maybe, but not incredibly so. I would say 132-134 would be a pretty good place for his speed

    Forgive me if I posted in the wrong section or something, it’s been years xD

    Merry early Xmas and New Years EMC!

    Edit: Just randomly thought of another, more easily implementable horse promo. What about a blue one that just gives frost walker? Probably more realistic, but not as good
    607, Ethy202 and DrasLeona247 like this.
  2. frost walker might actually be a little less realistic, as the main way I see it being implemented is by equipping some item enchanted with frost walker to horses that wear the item, and de-equipping it from horses that remove the item, which is leagues more complicated and likely to go wrong than the three potion effects you're suggesting.
    MrAdazahi likes this.
  3. Cool suggestion!
    Did you submit it as a suggestion using the form? (http://emc.gs/suggestpromo) I think that makes it more likely to be used in the future. :D
    MrAdazahi likes this.
  4. Yeah, I did that, heres hopes for next year xD
    607 likes this.