The Office - I'm surprised it wasn't already suggested. If you are into comedies with some crude humor, this is the show. It also has somewhat of a good story line to it too.
A lot of shows have already been suggested, including several I would've said, but I would add Firefly, Twin Peaks, Frasier, Top Gear, and Lost, to name a few more.
YES! I can't believe I forgot to name off Lost. It is probably my favorite show, I was so obsessed with it.
Sword Art Online Attack On Titan Arrow I don't have Netflix anymore, so I don't really have any at the top of my head as of now
Thanks for all the suggestions, I've already started watching a few of these to see if I like them, and I did. Keep them coming, other people might need them too
Just finished, white collar, on netflix. I was surprised I liked it so much; better, classier then I first gave it credit for. There's also: Terra nova, eureka, numbers, and of course the BBC version of sherlock Holmes. All were on netflix at one point.
1 word: Scrubs. It has some crude humor in it. If you are into suspense/cop drama I recommend Flashpoint.
It got mentioned already - but I really like My Little Pony. I'd understand if you're afraid to check it out, though... (I was too at first, but I really quite like it now :3)
Game of Thrones Sherlock Agents of SHIELD Agent Carter Daredevil House of Cards American Horror Story True Detective Those are ones that come to mind, will post again if I can think of more
Better Call Saul and Top Gear (the UK version ). That's all I watch, because that's the only stuff worth watching on the British version of Netflix. I'd reccomend Game of Thrones, too. I also can't stand most American TV (or TV in general...), so sorry for not having too many suggestions... I'd also reccomend Gotham (forgot if you put that in your watched list, but idc). It's unintentionally hilarious, which is the only reason why I still watch it. If you don't find it funny because of its badness, then you won't enjoy it at all.
All of mine are car related or emergency service related... (apart from the last one) Top Gear (UK) For The Love Of Cars Rescue Me Third Watch The Walking Dead (you've already seen it though ) I was thinking of watching the following, eventually... Breaking Bad Better Call Saul But that's for when time allows, and if I can get hold of them
Oh I forgot to mention, True detective season 2 is awful in comparison to the first series (not just my opinion!). I would strongly suggest just watching the first season.
I've watched the entire series at least four times by now. Each time I find something new that's funny. Rescue Me is great for drama, along the same lines as Breaking Bad in that sense. Very well done TV show.