Stuff Gaming_Comander and THE OP VILLAGER tell each other

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Gaming_Comander, Mar 15, 2019.

  1. You meant bed I believe
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  2. "A mariachi band played Baby Shark at a wedding"- THE OP VILLAGER at 2:46 AM on April 14th
  3. Yogurt...... GUHHH
    Gaming_Comander likes this.
  4. I sense something too OP here... XD
    Gaming_Comander likes this.
  5. So ummm I may be in love with this already... seems like it's going to be the funniest stuff I will ever see
    Gaming_Comander likes this.
  6. Gaming_Comander: Good night
    Me: good night o/
    Gaming_Comander: crawls into the depths of hell
    Other friend: hey there’s where I live
    Gaming_Comander: well if it can crawl it can brawl
    Gaming_Comander likes this.
  7. *plays Overwatch with OP*
    Me: Hey OP can you heal me my ultimate ability is ready!
    OP: Yeah I'm coming
    *Sees him on his way towards me*
    *Takes a running start and jumps into enemies*
    *Notices health is still low*
    *It's too late, I already used ultimate and dies instantly*
    OP: I was healing the monkey because he's better than you
    Me: The monkey can take more hits than me, it makes no sense to heal him
    *Continue this bickering for 3 minutes*
    Jaqque_r0x likes this.
  8. Which ultimate did you use? 76's aimbot?
  9. yes
  10. Never trust OP as a healer, I'd be much better than him
    Gaming_Comander likes this.