Strongholds - Help Please

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by DarkOogaBloop, Feb 3, 2012.

  1. Lol maybe. I mean, by tomorrow i should have another 700r i think..
  2. Oh, and bring a s**t load of supply's eg:food, iron, wood ect
  3. lol yeah course
  4. Ok awesome, see ya tomorrow!:D
  5. Oh one more thing, do you have an enchanted diamond sword I could buy?
  6. I could enchant you one and sell it to you, I suppose.
  7. Ok awesome see you tomorrow:D
  8. De ja vu= already seen? Btw gtg see you tomorrow morning:D.
  9. de ja vu is, well, a feeling of repetitiveness: ive seen this before..
  10. Guys can i help? I can go to end with you! We can go on a expedition!
  11. Awesome:D it'll be my last:)
  12. I know where the one on SMP1 is and it has a working portal.
  13. What server?
  14. I do not mind! If you know where the one on smp1 is, awesome! My home server is smp4, so I'll be on it and utopia for today. If you could show me the end portal.. :)?
  15. Yaaay I found one:D
  16. The bad thing about the portal on smp1 is that somone had removed all of the obsidian pillars there. Which i have no idea how they did all that. So now i need to know an end on a different empire server cause the main reason i go to the end is for obsidian as i dont really have a need for end stone.