If you are anyone has any ideas at all I will do anything. There is almost no limit to what I can create. Also I playblasted this and didnt even actually render it lol, thats why it looks like crap, but I think it fits well.
Nice, even though it doesnt look that good, I still think it is very impressive ! I have no idea how to make those so yeh animations impress me quite often
I wanna know more about the dog. Is he a secret agent? Villain or good guy? Where did he get his training? Why'd he attack the giraffes? Who are the giraffes? Is that car driving by itself or is there someone else in it driving the dog around? ....I need answers D; I need more videos!
Move over tardis we got a small cat here lol 10/10 "cleaned all the Dishes" - Bed Bath And Beyond 10/10 "I've fallen and I can't get up, that's what the giraffe said" - life alert 10/10 "best product since the Wacky waving inflatable arm-Flailing tube man" - Al Harrington at Al Harrington's Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm-Flailing Tubeman Emporium and Warehouse