Soulwalk3r's apartments

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by soulwalk3r, Nov 3, 2011.

  1. till justin adds support for this i feel it should be shut completly down he is not telling people the truth and is in my opinion scamming people

    if you ask i bet not a one of his "renters" know that others can get into their chest

    in fact i seen him today get a new rent and never said a word about others could get in his room and take his stuff was pretty suprised when i did tell him
    fluffinator09 likes this.
  2. One big problem is that the system already has a hard time keeping track of 45 players moving around 1,500 residences and adding more and more sub areas could start to cause a lot of lag. Maybe a system where you can only make one or two in your res or something like that would work. I honestly think that adding sub residences is not a true fix for the problem we are facing, adding more actual residences will fix that :) :)

    I know you were just trying to help soulwalk3r, and it was a good idea, but unfortunately Minecraft is so plagued with griefers and idiots it would never work without an actual protection system.

    One work around you could use is that people staying in a res could put a chest shop sign next to a chest. This should lock the chest so that other people (even with the build flag) cannot destroy or access the chest or sign. Someone will need to verify this is true though, I don't fully remember. Also you as the res owner would not be able to remove their chest shop sign.
  3. only problem i see here is then people can't get in their own chests while he is no online
  4. No I mean a person with build permission can make a chest shop sign with their name on the top (because they have the build flag in that residence). Again I am not sure if it will work, it has been so long since I implemented that system I would have to verify by trying it.
  5. they can still use them. me and my roomate share shop chests all the time. i am warning people now. i never thought to. if there was a way to lock chest though it would be fine
  6. Ok sorry, scratch that idea :)
  7. even if they dont have the build flag abd put the shop sign up other in the res who have containr flag can get there stuff...
    the sign wont stop it
    i have the container flag in mr2r2ms res and can still open his chests that have shop signs
  8. yea. witht eh container flag they can get in it one way or another
  9. where is your apartment i wann c it
  10. its on lot 2324
  11. Remember you can always /visit soulwalk3r :)
  12. here is the problem with that

    you have absolutely no way to prove who took something questioning them and tryin to tell by their behavior over the internet is not possible
  13. point of the matter, im trying to do something about the lack of places to stay. what are you doing? nothing? thats what i thought
  14. cause there is nothing i can do that won't cause a bigger headache....

    if you are that concerned with doin something good why are you chargning rent?
  15. nothing in life is free. why do people charge for spleef when they can build it themselves? because you want recognition and rewards for your hard work in making it
  16. my 60x60 lot was free?
    but either i'm not gonna bother with this anymore it's YOUR headache for you and YOU alone to deal with
  17. the only person giving me a headache was you anyway slozon

  18. Okay guys, no more headaches.
  19. Cat u simply HIDE your chests? And I house people without making them pay. I have maybe 4 as of now. I just sometimes ask them for favors.