Something that should addressed in chat.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Mrlegitislegit, Jul 6, 2012.

  1. I liked OP, then I disliked it, so i can like it again! This reminds me of spammers and caps users. Watch this:
    "COME VISIT MY SUPER FANCY RESTAURANT AT ******!!!!!!! (sorry for caps) - All in the same sentence. And they think that makes a problem go away or something? Well i still see caps, so the problem is still there. Just don't spam, use caps, insult etc, why is that so hard?
    The rules are very clear and many do know them well, but they are still breaking them.
  2. That's what i said in some other topic. Kicking beggars and spammers is not affective. They need to get banned for at least an hour to chill a bit.
  3. I donate only to those who I well know (within minecraft).
    If I think they deserve a donate. The are also theese who say Please donate at *****!...
    anyway, i don't donate to beggers, beacus they would just ask more if i would
    just like in real life...
    And one more thing i hate is those who say don't use caps! when I only use caps like This, I mean, mild caps.
  4. Banning good players and leave spammers and beggars would make emc better? I wonder how?
    It might be too many of these threads, but that's because no proper aciton was taken against such players.
    Also, ignoring the problem will never solve it. I don't want to type /ignore <playername> 10,000x plus 20x every day again and again. Put in the rules that spammers will get temp ban and then emc might be a better place.
  5. It will solve the problem. If everyone /ignore then they will eventually just go away. It is pretty simple and logical reasoning. Great Cake forbid you have to spend 20 seconds a day typing something! I mean... you might break a finger or something.
  6. Since you're so good at ignoring, you could just ignore this thread.
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  7. The stegosaurus stomps on beggars.
    ImParanoid likes this.