somehow on vr 1.20.2

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Acemox2k, Sep 23, 2023.

  1. Hi, somehow my program seems to be loading version 1.20.2 and I am getting a "waterfall 1.20.1" on the server connection page. I have only 2 versions listed to load, a snapshot and a release, both 1.20.2.

    I believe there might be a Vr 1.20.1 saved within the files, but not savvy in how to retrieve. Not sure how I'm running a version ahead either. Kind of confused here.
  2. NEVERMIND!!!!!!

    I found a way to revert the version in a drop down menu! crises averted, I can play some mine craft! Sorry for the panic all. LOL!