So I've never really said "Hi..."

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Cinnamonyoshi, Jun 9, 2013.

  1. image.jpg
    Cinnamonyoshi likes this.
  2. Welcome to the forums! :cool:
    Cinnamonyoshi likes this.
  3. hey cinnamon glad to see another forumer keep posting!
    Cinnamonyoshi likes this.
  4. and it only costs $27.50 for an unlimited supply!
    Cinnamonyoshi likes this.
  5. Wut.
    PandasEatRamen and Cinnamonyoshi like this.
  6. Cinnamonyoshi likes this.
  7. Lol thanks for the welcomes everyone! :)
  8. Welcome to EMC.

    The in game stuff is more fun than the forums. :D
    Cinnamonyoshi likes this.
  9. We're smp4 bros :p
    Anyways, welcome to the forums! :)
    Cinnamonyoshi likes this.
  10. Welcom to da foumz wherez we... PARTY IN THE USA!
    Cinnamonyoshi likes this.
  11. I would say "welcome to EMC," but now I'll say "Welcome to the EMC forums, where there are no text limits on in-game messages."
    Cinnamonyoshi likes this.
  12. Welcome to DEE FORUMZ! A place where magic, adventure, fun times and economy destroyers lurk, Beware of Aikar, He'll destroy the economy, and beware of 72volt, he'll cover you in Lava Walls if you turn your back on him..
    Cinnamonyoshi and mba2012 like this.