So Aikar was randomly AFK at my wild camp...

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Mrlegitislegit, Aug 28, 2012.

  1. like getting out of a cage
    creepincreepers7 likes this.
  2. He was checking if things were as legit as your name suggests they are.
  3. Lol I was just an hour ago! Missed it…he still there?
  4. LOL I think this should go in the promo
  5. he left…without any questioning…
  6. "...Here at Empire Minecraft, You can trap moderators in trophy cases, and keep them forever, and ever..."
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  7. I feel like.. Trapping someone who doesn't have a pick in a Solid obsidian trap :) then.... Hide it so nobody could dig it out surrounded by lava.. and pitfalls.... >: D
  8. That would get you banned.
  9. He was joking…

    EDIT: I hope
  10. With what proof... ;)
  11. The handiness of modern day technology and the ability to screenshot it.
  12. lava-log proof
  13. When I logged on Aikar had hid himself from the player list and was nowhere to be seen.
  14. The player would be like AFK and I'd build it over it.. The person wont see it till he/she's back :p
    I didn't knew lava is logged... What about netherrack and flint& steel? :p
    Pressure plate TNT?
  15. hmm you seem to know too much about this I'm watching you....
  16. Know much about what...?
  17. do what? huh who?