SMP8 PWU griefing

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by LindenNZ, Oct 19, 2020.

  1. Nothing too major - don't panic! - there was a creeper hole at the farm where the giant bee is that I filled in. The crops were also mostly gone but I replanted them. There are a few crops unharvestable because they have block protection. There are many blocks of farmland that have reverted to dirt but can't be hoed because they are protected (by AncientTower) so someone who has permissions will need to sort those out.

    In the nether hub there are some info kiosks with no books in the chests. I don't know if that was an area under construction or if they got swiped....? (not the worst thing that's ever happened to info books) :eek:
  2. FYI: Griefings at PWU should be reported to the PWU Discord. :)
    I've sent the link to this post in the #griefing-reports channel.
  3. I think permissions for farmland should be loosened up a bit. There's no reason you shouldn't be allowed to till a block of dirt when you're fixing damage at a farm especially when it's easy to get around that by just breaking the block and placing it again. The dirt isn't build protected, but because someone tilled it in the past, they're the only one allowed to till it now. Also, crops shouldn't be buildmoded by default if the farmland is, too often there are protected crops in public farms which kind of defeats the purpose. Just pumpkin and melon stems should be protected, I don't think they currently are.
    LindenNZ likes this.
  4. I have never used Discord in my life, I don't even know what it is to be honest :p But if anyone wants to copy and paste feel free...if it is a text thing? I have no clue.
  5. I wouldn't have guessed to try that, but yes it worked.

    So, if farmland has reverted to dirt you can't retill it but you can just break it, replace the dirt and then till it. But it's even weirder than that...

    There was a bare farmland block that I couldn't plant on because it said when I tried to plant that I was attempting to break a protected block. I could break the block, replace it and till it, but it still wouldn't let me plant.

    Where there were protected crops (protected by player "K") I jumped on them to revert to dirt and make the crops pop out then things got weird.

    If I tried to till the dirt I could, but then if I tried to replant it would say protected by "K". If I broke the block, replaced it and tilled it I could still not replant. Then I tried placing and removing another block on top, but then I couldn't till the dirt because it said it was protected by a different player.

    I think to successfully remove protected crops you need to jump on the farmland to revert it to dirt, then place another block above it, then break both that block and the target block, then replace the target block, then till and plant.

    Long story short: the farm is now fully tilled and replanted! :)
    UltiPig likes this.