SMP7 Lockup Aware & Being Worked On

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by IcecreamCow, Jul 3, 2012.

  1. Shhh it's a secret!
    Chascarrillo likes this.
  2. All is fine, but there is a lot of lag in utopia and smp9.
  3. Me, right now;

    Smp9: "Connection Lost / End of stream"

    Utopia: "Sorry, you can only be connected to one EMC server at a time."

    SMP1 SMP2 same as Utopia.

    ICC, maybe kicking me would fix?
  4. i can't log onto smp9 either
  5. same here, smp9 not working
  6. I am going to kick everyone one on smp7. At least you can go onto another server.

    It's back up!
  7. That sounds painful. Make sure to give your foot a break now and then.
  8. All mods are issued with a pair of Dr.Martens to ensure we are always ready to kick when needed.
    Monster_ likes this.
  9. Kicking in with the sense of humor, eh? ;)