[ Smp7 15015 ] Promo Shop

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by emfs_ad, Jul 15, 2017.

  1. Smp7 15015 (+Koala)

    I know what you're thinking, "Great, just what we need, another promo shop!" But if you lost your sarcastic tone, you'd be right! The shop is especially exciting because we're the first complete Remote Shop Sign shop known to man (What a mouthful!)! If you have any questions or concerns, the shop is going to be run by BenMA and myself, so please contact us so we can better your experience. :) Our goal is to update prices and bring new and different promos as often as possible.

    We are currently open to the public as a buy / sell shop!

  2. Here are the lists of prices of all promotional /custom items that are being sold / bought at 15015

    100k Items:
    Shear Madness: B 35k
    Mineral Mincer: B 50k
    Sharp Shooter: B 45k: 35k S
    Chicken Skewer: B 38k
    Bubble Boots: B 38k
    Bionic Pants: B 38k
    Potato Plate: B 38k
    Scooooba Mask: B 38k

    Starter Gear:
    Starter Helmet: B 1,750
    Starter Chestplate: B 1,750
    Starter Leggings: B 1,750
    Starter Boots: B 1,750
    Starter Sword: B 1,750
    Starter Pickaxe: B 1,750: 1,300 S
    Starter Axe: B 1,750: 1,300 S
    Starter Shovel: B 1,750: 1,300 S
    Starter Horse: 3,200 S
    Soulbound Torches x8: B 150: 75 S
    Soulbound Bread x8: B 10
    Soulbound Cow: B 25
    Soulbound Sheep: B 25
    New Player Guide: B 200: 100 S

    Special Mob Drops:
    Marlix Bow: B 25k: 21k S
    Marlix Helmet: B 24k
    Marlix Armor: B 24k: 19.5k S
    Marlix Leggings: B 24k: 19.5k S
    Marlix Boots: B 24k: 19.5k S
    Momentus's Helmet: B 34k: 29k S
    Momentus's Toothpick: B 24k: 20k S
    Dragon Stone Fragment: B 800
    Dragon Stone: B 7.2k
    Taste the Freedom Steak: B 500
    Cooked Turkey: B 300
    Shiny Flesh x16: B 275: 180 S
    Shiny Arrow x16: B 200: 145 S
    Zombie Virus: B 200: 115 S

    Holiday Candle 2014: 23k S
    Holiday Candle 2016: 18k S
    Dancer (2014): 58k S
    Dasher (2015): 45k S
    Prancer (2016): 22k S
    Vixen (2017): 15k S
    ESCD: B 34k: 30 S
    Avalauncher (annual): B 12k: 7.5k S
    Blizz Ard's Arm: B 18k: 11k S
    Blizz Ard's Nose: B 18k: 11k S
    Bliz Ard's Eye: B 18k: 11k S
    Candy Cane Sword: 35k S
    Holiday Axe: 20k S
    Santa's Magic Box: 16k S

    Independence Day / Easter / Valentine's Day:
    Liberty Sword: 21k S
    Meteor Bow: B 16k
    Declaration of Independence: B 24k: 21k S
    Chocolate Bunny: 22k S
    Magical Eggcellent Wand: 42k S
    Cupid Bundle: 85k S
    Cupid: 46k S
    Cupid's Bow (Unbreakable Infinity version): B 23k
    Cupid's Bow (UnbreakingIII version): B 23k
    Cupid's Arrow x4: B 200

    Halloween / Thanksgiving:
    Trick-or-Treat Bundle: 81k S
    2016 Haunted Head: 28k S
    2017 Haunted Head: 16k S
    2014 Headless Horseman Mask: 40k S
    2015 Headless Horseman Mask: 34k S
    2016 Headless horseman Mask: 28k S
    2017 Headless Horseman Mask: B 18.5k: 15k S
    Headless Horseman Axe: 40k S
    Spooky Egg: B 32k: 20k S
    Omneosis: 38k S
    2013 Promo Turkey Slicer: 140k S
    Turkey Drop Turkey Slicer: B 32k: 20k S
    Ham Hacker: PM to sell
    Stuffing Scooper: B 34k :21k S

    Labor Benches / B-day Cakes:
    2014 Birthday Cake: B 40k : 32k S
    2015 Birthday Cake: B 24k : 18k S
    2016 Birthday Cake: B 15k : 11k S
    2017 Birthday Cake: B 10k : 7.5k S
    2014 Labor Bench: 55k S
    2015 Labor Bench: 32k S
    2016 Labor Bench: 21k S
    2017 Labor Bench: 14k S

    Misc. Promos:
    Maxarian Head: B 110k : 85k
    2014 Remembrance Poppy: 20k S
    2015 Remembrance Poppy: 15k S
    2016 Remembrance Poppy: 10k S
    Pot of Gold: B 28k : 22k S
    Pi Pie: B 62k : 55k S
    Dragon Poop: 90k S
    Super Dragon Poop: 95k S
    Mirr0rr and BenMA like this.
  3. Bump to spread the word.

    Still working on pricing on the 3rd and 4th floor
  4. Prices are all set up now!

    Our official opening will be Thursday (tomorrow) at 7:30pm EMC time. Be sure to attend because we'll be hosting a small drop party to celebrate our opening!

    The shop is still open for you to sell promos!
    kaptrix and BenMA like this.
  5. Nice, will have a look!
    deathconn and BenMA like this.
  6. Just a reminder that a DP will be taking place at 7:30 pm EMC time tonight!

    Attend for a chance for Promos, special items, and valuable blocks!
    kaptrix likes this.
  7. Promo shop has officially opened! A full list of prices will be added to this thread as soon as possible!

    Thanks for all the players that attended the small drop party and I hope to see some of you guys around the shop :)
    ShelLuser, Sachrock and BenMA like this.
  8. I will check it out when I can :)
    deathconn and BenMA like this.
  9. Item list with pricing added to the thread :)
    BenMA likes this.
  10. Best shop out there. The koala head doesn't at all stare into your soul :)
    deathconn likes this.
  11. 10/10 do recommend
    am no longer a hobo with 2k
    deathconn likes this.
  12. Bump

    Sell me your promos or buy the ones you don't have!
  13. Buying the 2017 Birthday Cake for 10k at 15015!
  14. Bump (temporarily removed sell perms)
  15. Bump

    Cupid Bows with the enchantment of UnbreakingIII and attributes Soulbound and Final only have been added to the shop!
  16. Shop looks really cool from your photo up there. I might visit one day, assuming I have rupees left. ;)
    FadedMartian and deathconn like this.