[ Smp7 15015 ] Promo Shop

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by emfs_ad, Jul 15, 2017.

  1. 3 New additions were added to our shop!

    2015 Birthday Cookie: B 185k
    2016 Birthday Cookie: B 90k
    2017 Birthday Cookie: 15k S
  2. Prices of the Labor Benches have been lowered by 2k and sell has been removed from the Headless Horseman Axe.

    In addition, sell perms have been turned back on! Come sell me every thing you have!
  3. Sell has been removed for:
    Candy Cane Sword
    jewel_king likes this.
  4. Sell changes:
    Turkey Slicer (turkey drop) has been removed
    Trick-Or-Treat Bundle added (72k S)
    Cupid's Bow (UnbreakingIII version) has been removed

    Price changes:
    Turkey Slicer (turkey drop): B 45k to 42k
    Liberty Sword: B 26k to 24.5k
    2015 Labor Bench: B 27.9k to 24.9k
    2016 Labor Bench: B 20.9k to 17.9k
  5. Sell has been removed for:
    Marlix Armor
    Marlix Pants
    Marlix Boots

    New additions:
    Book of Colors: B 1mil
    Iron Supporter Voucher: B 82K
  6. Shower me with rupees?
  7. Massive Price Adjustments!

    Shear Madness: B 43k 35k
    Chicken Skewer: B 46k 34k
    Bubble Boots: B 46k 38k
    Bionic Pants: B 46k 38k
    Potato Plate: B 46k 38k
    Scooooba Mask: B 46k 38k
    Holiday Candle 2014: B 27k 22k
    Holiday Candle 2016: B 19.5k 17k
    ESCD: B 34.5k 30k
    Prancer (2016): B 36k 28k
    Candy Cane Sword: B 35k 30k
    Headless Horseman Axe: B 44k 38k
    Turkey Drop Turkey Slicer: B 42k 36k
    Liberty Sword: B 24.5k 21k
    Meteor Bow: B 18k 16k

    Spooky Egg: 18.5k 20k S
    Cupid Bundle: 60k 70k S
    BenMA likes this.
  8. Just one small change.

    Cupid Bundle: 70k S B 80k
  9. **New shop addition**
    Headless horseman Mask 2016: 24k S

    Sell removed for:
    Marlix's Helmet
    Trick-Or-Treat Bundle