SMP5 - MooshVille Outpost

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by synth_apparition, Nov 1, 2012.

  1. Will there ever be anymore open spots at this outpost?
  2. Why is there a limited number of spots?
  3. Well the island is only so big.....
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  4. So is the convo.
  5. Ill be sure to join, mind PMing me cords?
  6. Im making my own wild outpost soon... so i dont want to join your next outpost
  7. Im going to be on and off this outpost, Im working on my own one Desert Wanderers and not being nasty but here a picture of what we have covered in 2 days:


    So... This thing is 2 years old and still standing. It has never been griefed.

    I'd also just like to add I'm re-opening it for a second time (and I will actually follow through on applications this time around!) and spots, unlike the first time 'applications' were open, aren't limited.

    Also, fyi on why I didn't make a new thread: I wanted this thread so I could get the outpost's actual age, and I couldn't be bothered making a new one either :p

    //'tis all.
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  9. I'd love to join! Also, you can expand the island by adding dirt to the edges, and the mycelium will spread onto it.
  10. Aye, I could do that. I just don't want to deform the island and make it look ugly.

    Also, I'll PM you co-ords in the morning (alongside everyone else who wishes to join and posts within the next 9 hours :p) if I have time.
  11. I can landscape it for you.
  12. I'd like to "join it"...
  13. Only if you come back m8.
    Sure, go ahead. I'll just need you to actually get to the outpost first :p

    I'll send you co-ordinates sometime within the next few days. I've been really busy this week (and will be next week) so I'm not exactly sure when, but I promise I'll have them sent by Sunday :p
  14. Oh man. Always a day late and dollar short (or rupee).
  15. Co-ords, please?
  16. Can't give you them until next week, sorry. I just moved house and the internet isn't set up yet, and won't be for another week.