Smp2 - Le Edeen Dur

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by DemonThunder345, Aug 9, 2013.

  1. Hey guys i just got the john smith texture pack! cant wait to try it out
  2. IGN: Dj__Krazy
    You good at: Hiding, Creations (building), greifing, surviving, making friends
    Kick: Spam
  3. Me With John Smith Resource Pack :)
  4. Guys, jacob got jennypoo10 to join.
  5. I like him.
    Welcome to le Eeden dur :)
  6. thank you..
  7. Thanks, please do not announce my real name into the public though...
  8. We're looking for people to create XP and iron farms. If you can do that, please let us know ASAP. Thanks :)

    Avi? Sounds like the Na'vi from Avatar. :p


    Join today and you get a free house of your choice to build! :D
    DemonThunder345 likes this.
  9. LOL it got what i typed to Demon in there too!
  10. Welcome Dj__Krazy To "Le Edeen Dur" !!
  11. We really need xp farms ima die`ing getting xp from protecting the castle as demon and some other know i`m only
    good at using the bow suck at the sword but am getting better so i hope someone will build an xp farm cuz i don`t
    want to die any more then needed to!
  12. how do we remove posts?
  13. Where it says Edit and Report. In the middle should be a button called Delete.
    Press that
  14. thanks!
  15. can i make a house up in the tree tops of the jungle trees?
  16. sure why not
  17. Thanks
  18. Can you make these all into one post, please? That would be very helpful. :)
  19. Have you ever tried to ride a boat of a cliff into water? Well i have :p
    DemonThunder345 likes this.
  20. Ever tried to ride into Lava is the real thing :)
    CURLER22 likes this.