Slime Town Griefing

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by johnnybdetroit, Jul 25, 2012.

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  1. what im doing is going to afk with quicktime on johnnys tower because u can see everything from there
  2. I knew that johnny did this! He's on ALL morning!

    EDIT: What was the convo in the chat box?
  3. LOGIC? Prof_genius said he was afking on Johnny's tower. Not that Johnny was the griefer. And he mostly just afk's on his iron farm all day long.
  4. its just a good view from the tower
  5. So theirs now an IRON FARM at the slime town?!?!??
  6. yea its only 2/14 chambers built but cuz johnny is banned we need to finish it ourselves
  7. Oh lord, someone go get some villager eggs.
  8. there in johnnys chest wich i dont have access to
  9. I'll come out to take a look and help you with this guys, I know how to make iron golem farms.
  10. Wait, why is johhny banned?
  11. pvp in wild and theres more griefing now
  12. james house my house and some other houses destroyed
  13. jamesg003? he didn't do anything like that.
  14. well i saw his house is destroyed come and see the wood
  15. Oh, i thought you meant he griefed. And he's checking it now. Top layer is trashed...
  16. EDIT: james took a look and, i was like HOLY. Griefers...
  17. You guys do realize that johnny and jlopez talked a lot before jlopez banned right? Lol johnny is probably on an alt and griefing because someone FINALLY got the right evidence needed to ban him.
  18. It's beyond me why anyone would put anything more than a locked chest in a place like this. If it ever becomes anything more than a place for llamas to make a quick buck I'll eat a dozen spider eyes. The only satisfying aspect of it is knowing that non-supporters and Irons are blamed for the messes around Spawn in the other Wilds and seeing the truth.
  19. Well, no point in using a locked chest for cobble. But i see your point:) Everyone should just assume that they are out there alone, with no one on their side. Its the safest state of mind.
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