Slime chunks

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by Scipio94, Jul 16, 2012.

  1. Actually never mind. It will indeed slow your spawn rates down using glowstone.
    Glowstone was changed back to "glass" in the 1.0.0 update, so slimes will only spawn between the glowstone, hurting the spawn rate, right? Or are slimes now allowed to spawn on blocks with glass meta-data?

    "1.0.0 Changed material back to "glass"." - wiki
  2. This would be very helpful, i stink at making dark spwner rooms and the only time I did it rigjt is was an accdent.
  3. Interesting. I've never seemed to have issues with them spawning. However I tried pumpkins once and I can't get them to spawn on it at all. I'll have to do some more research.