
Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by zaccyboy23, Oct 16, 2012.

  1. I made some moving sigs, but here is how to set it as a sig:
    Make the image in things like Adobe Flash (If you have £350 go for it) or another program
    Export as a .gif sometimes it says Animated Gif .gif
    Go to upload to there
    Right click, "Copy image URL"
    Go onto the forums where you can edit your signature
    Click the little tree picture, either press CTRL+V or right click > Paste
    Click insert
    Then bomb that is your sig!
    I will try and find the size of the area height and length wise of how big something can be I used to make at
    1600x500 but its too big
  2. Thanks ill chck it out!
    hayjam likes this.
  3. i used flash
  4. Gif fun is good
    zaccyboy23 likes this.
  5. I am making one using pixelmator and gif fun at the moment!
  6. Soulpunisher i downloaded Mine-imator then i opened it but i can't ran it.. How can i run it?
    hayjam likes this.
  7. Guys i created my own GIF!
  8. Do you like it!?
  9. Gif's are awesome. :3 Congrats on the new gif. ASDF Movie's were all farely funny. :3