[SERVICE] Bomb's Redstone Construction/Repair Service

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by Bombardier20, Oct 12, 2015.

  1. I would like a tree farm! if you can do this job for me that would be great :)
  2. Not a problem Perez. Just and update for everyone, I'm nearing completion on my massive project. Should be finished in a couple days, at which point any builds I haven't been able to complete during this time will be first priority! Your position in the thread comments will be used to make the order of jobs, Also any jobs that materials aren't provided for, will be done in spare time or after I'm completely caught up as purchasing materials on each server is time consuming. I look forward to getting you all taken care of very soon!!
  3. This guy.. He is great! He just finished my tree farm, and its working great!

    Thanks alot Bombardier! :D
    Bombardier20 likes this.
  4. Thanks for the feedback RaiinNL! Another update for everyone, I'm currently dealing with an illness in my household. As such it has limited my time for builds, though I will make some progress each day as I can. Also I'll be moving soon which will have me offline for about a week. No one will be forgotten, I'll just be a bit behind. Thanks for your understanding!
  5. No problem ! I understand that, take your time !
  6. how much is a villager what or potato farm
  7. Nice service Bomb, may hire you sometime soon :)
    Bombardier20 likes this.
  8. how would it cost for you to make me a tree farm?
  9. Ladies and gentlemen, today I suffered the loss of a man who was more a father to me than my own. Only a few hours after I received the news, my cat crawled on me and died in my arms. So, as of this moment I am suspending this service. I will let you know when I'm ready to work again. Sorry for the inconvenience
    ww2fan168 likes this.
  10. Awww man...

    Hope you feel better

    I will too need you in the future
  11. omg that stinks sorry for your loss
  12. You think you could fix my slotmachines? They broke when aikar changed hopper behavior. Also my old automated furnance array took some damage while resedit and needs fixing, fairly big and complex builds, think you could handle it? Im too lazy to make them work again but could pay for it. If intrested pm me, also visit smp5 and check them out. They are next to my main res
  13. So sorry man, I know the pain as for my grandfather and grandmother; they were very close to me as if like a mother and father so I know your pain bro.

    I'll be using this service whenever you feel ready, my give condolences go to you.