[Service] Blacksmith (OP tools and weapons)

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by SteveClasher, Apr 19, 2015.

  1. Can I have the same shovel order as luckycordel?
  2. eff 5 - fortune 3 and unbreak 3 for 7,5k is the best I can come up with.
  3. of course, it will be mailed and access set up after payment
  4. Yes please
  5. Payment has been sent. =)
  6. you have only sended me 8k , you need another 1050r
    doing it now
    Zikko likes this.
  7. Thx access set up.
  8. I will take GOD Armor and God Weapons Tools, everything maxed out! How much will that be?
  9. E3-F3-U3 Diamond Pick
  10. Do you still do This? I have an order if so :)
    Tuqueque likes this.
  11. dang sorry for the delay :/, yep I can still take some commands, what do you have in mind?
  12. May I have a
    E3-ST1-U3 = 3000r
  13. Of course, which one tho? (pick, shovel or axe)
  14. Oh silly me, a pickaxe please
    SteveClasher likes this.