Selling ton of rares! Promo horses, swords and more!

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by Gap542, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. SOLD EVERYTHING for these prices: They might have not been the best but oh well.

    All the money went to my giveaway:

    the 3 incitatus for 700k.
    Independence armor set 210k
    Freedom blades 40k (Chest form and do not claim)
    Fireworks around 20k
    Maxarian head around 20k
    Wand around 20k
    turkey slicer around 50k
    vouchers around 8k each
    lucky bows new 60k
    lucky bow used 30k
    and forget what else. Pretty much ended up selling it as bundle for a good discount price.
  2. The turkey slicer is blocking the view of it all xD
  3. Scroll down. There's 18 pictures showing names.
  4. I'll buy those promo horses
  5. Offer me.
  6. sent you a private message
  7. I'll take the 3 Lucky Bows for 30K and the Headless Horseman Mask for 20K :)

    EDIT: That is 110K total!
  8. how much for both freedom blades?
  9. Mind reserving the an unused LuckyBow for me? Ill pay 45k for it.
    As well voter items for sale?
  10. I want everything. Get ingame.
  11. I don't know their price. It's my first time logging into the servers since like July 2014.

    No thank you. I believe it's somewhat low

    I'm selling all you can see, nothing more as my residence and everything got reset long time ago.

    As for reserving the lucky bow, I'm short on time. (less than a week)
  12. So 45k now?
  13. Anything for 15k??
  14. Don't think so. Unless max head and the wand are worth that

    The diamonds, pickaxes or one of thse 127% horses. though they aren't rare.
  15. Headless Horseman Mask for 30K
  16. And i-day boots and freedom blade.

    I-day boots for 60K
    Freedom blade (NOT the claim one) for 45K
  17. Ill buy the iday boots for 70k and the max head for 15k
  18. Grr...