[Selling] Promos & Rare Items

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by WayneKramer, Dec 4, 2014.

  1. I will buy the Marlix Chestplate for 70k
  2. I'll take the 2x Headless Horsemen Mask - 25k each please :) If you mail them I'll pay once I rreceive
  3. thanks :)

    all quantities updated
  4. quantities updated again

    thanks everyone :)
  5. original post updated with current quantities. i added a few items.
  6. updated the original post with more items and updated prices
  7. Taste The Freedom steak (4k) & can I get 1 each of the candy (5 x1k)?

    Total 9k

    EDIT: Thank!
  8. I'll take the Cake Parkour event voucher and possibly the Holiday Pick, depending on how used it is. I

  9. this photo shows the Holiday Pick

    find me in-game or send the rupees and I can mail the item
  10. thanks to those who have purchased items :)
  11. @wkramer79
    Hello I would like to buy all four haunted candy bones
  12. where can I find you @wkramer79
  13. I'm on smp8 but currently I'm down to just 2 of the haunted candy bones
  14. updated the OP
  15. I will also take both Rememberance Poppies. I'll pay you when I wake up tomorrow.