[Selling] Promos, Event Items and more!

Discussion in 'Selling' started by ThaKloned, Aug 12, 2017.

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  1. Sure thing :) Will mail the items now.
  2. Ill buy all the labour benches of 2016 and the dasher. Will 100k Do?
    ThaKloned likes this.
  3. Sounds like a deal :)
  4. paid, thanks!
    ThaKloned likes this.
  5. Meteor Bow --- Qty: 5 --- Price Per: 8k

    Total = 40k

    EDIT: Paid :)
    ThaKloned likes this.
  6. Labor Bench (2016) --- Qty: 4 --- Price Per: 20k 15k

    I'll take all 4 please. :) I'll pay tomorrow if I don't forget (please remind me if I do forget :p)
    ThaKloned and ShrinkingMatt like this.
  7. Poor Thom
    ThaKloned likes this.
  8. Sorry I think you are 44 minutes late.
  9. Mailed your items :)
    Just sold out of them, sorry Tom :p
    TomvanWijnen and ShrinkingMatt like this.
  10. Dangit :p I even quickly checked some recent posts if they had been taken already, but didn't see anything, and since they were still in your post, I thought they were still available.... Oh well. :p Then I guess I'll pay you 0 rupees, and you'll mail me nothing? Deal? :p
    ThaKloned and ShrinkingMatt like this.
  11. I do find it odd that my post didn't appear yet you posted after me 44 minutes. So Idk how my post didn't show up after 44 minutes or if you just didn't see.
  12. I do remember seeing it, I just didn't do anything with seeing it. :p I was looking for if someone else had copied it like me and Matt, so I looked over you post. :p (also because of the "sounds like a deal" afterwards)
    ThaKloned likes this.
  13. If no one buys will you end it or make it even cheaper?
  14. End or try again at a much later time and/or auction some.
  15. Final day before I close this thread and auction the rest off. If you still have interest in something and have a decent offer, please pm me.

    Thanks :)
  16. Golden Apple (Purple Text) --- Qty: 70 --- Price Per: 1,500r 1,250r

    Eh, why not I'll pay now.
    ThaKloned likes this.
  17. Thread closed on request
    ThaKloned likes this.
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