[ Selling ] New Shop! Limited items

Discussion in 'Selling' started by AmogusPogus, Jan 4, 2017.

  1. Hi!
    I just opened my new shop with a variety of rare items.

    I'm currently selling:

    Diamonds and ore
    Emerald ore
    Mossy cobblestone
    Enchanted books
    All 3 types of horse armor
    Shulker shells
    Dragon stones and fragments

    As the items get out of stock I will add new ones depening on the demand!
    While you're here be sure to also check out my pixel art :p

    Find me on 9012, smp4

    BFInc likes this.

  2. Long as this posts right, this is the image you were trying to share. Fixed it for ya. :)
  3. aw thank you! :D