[Selling] Misc EMC Promos from 2016 - Present

Discussion in 'Selling' started by AbstractToast9, Jul 4, 2022.

  1. I have a bunch of promos I am looking to unload to make some money for upcoming projects. List is below

    I am motivated to sell quickly. If you are interested send me a PM with an offer. Bundle deals for multiple items are preferred. All items are in my vault and I can deliver to a chest or mail after payment

  2. I'll take everything that's under 19k, plus the Prancer :) Let me know the price and I'll send over rupees + mail fee
  3. I'll take the blossoms.
    Will send payment later today when I can log in.
  4. For the:
    2016 Holiday Candle
    2017 Birthday Cake
    2019 Independence Day Firework (x2)
    2022 Independence Day Firework
    2022 Firework Voucher
    2016 Prancer

    I can sell all of those for 130K. Once payment is sent I can mail
    wafflecoffee likes this.
  5. Sounds good. I can sell both for 39K. Once payment is sent I can mail
  6. Sent payment :)
  7. paid.
    you can also deliver at the mailbox on /smp8 +mordor (left hand side at spawn)
  8. Mailed


    Here is an update on what's left, I also have a bunch of starter gear. Not sure if it is worth anything

  9. Bump, still have the above items for sale
  10. I would like the 2022 firework and voucher if you still have them
  11. Unfortunately those I have sold. The items I have left are included in the update screenshot, in the second and most recent image
    Raaynn likes this.
  12. I still have the following list of items for sale

    Upmostlocket106 likes this.
  13. The following items are still for sale. I am looking to liquidate everything before the end of the year!

    Make me an offer on anything you would like

  14. I'll take the 2 comets for 50k if you're interested
  15. Sold! Please send the 50K and I will mail ASAP

    Here is an updated list of what is for sale

    Tuqueque and DrasLeona247 like this.
  16. I'll take the 2020 Donnor if it's still available.
  17. Sure, just send payment and I'll get it mailed
  18. Payment sent
  19. Mailed

    Here is what I still have for sale

    BreezyMan likes this.