[Selling] Mall Residence

Discussion in 'Selling' started by Slvr, Apr 23, 2017.

  1. I am selling my residence on SMP8, /v Slvr-3 (or /v +sbb or /v 16082). It is a fully functional mall. It is in need of some updating to come to grips with the new versions, but otherwise it has no problems. The shop sections are all pixel art of a particularly block or item (i.e., Nether and End items is a giant Quartz Ore block, Transportation is a giant Minecart, so on and so forth).

    It is a mega mall, and I did want it to become such a thing. But I don't have the time for it. I don't advertise enough, and I don't have enough time to stock the things I myself must stock.

    I'm unsure of how shop signs work when transferring a res and so I will break all of them before I sell it. The chests can all be viewed with /togglepreview. Any items in the shop chests will stay. The giant statue of my character will likely be broken before I sell it (unless you'd like to keep it, for some reason, lol).

    Here are some images of the residence.

    Please make an offer, and be sure to read up on Residence Selling Rules so that this transaction can go smoothly. Please only make serious offers - I honestly have no idea what this is worth, but I can tell when an offer is silly.

    ShelLuser and AncientTower like this.
  2. I'll give you a cabbage for it
    ShelLuser and FadedMartian like this.
  3. I'll give u 2 cabbeges xD Nah 2k
  4. Sry I meant 5k
  5. 25k
    Its a pity you are selling /v +sbb. I used to shop there all the time :/
  6. Some things I'd like to share guys.... But keep in mind: this is just my opinion here.

    First.... I don't think the idea was to turn this into an auction. Don't try to outbid each other, just make a good solid bid to Slrv. Maybe even in a PM? Thing is: if you start to outbid each other then this could go on forever (or untill Slvr picks someone). But I can't help worry that it might also not be fully fair. There are rules attached to the auctions for a good reason...

    Second... Now, I actually looked around on the residence (I got curious). I'm not trying to claim that I know everything about EMC economics, but when looking at that residence then I don't think any offer below 200 - 300k is reasonable (no offense). Note: once again: this is just my personal opinion.

    But think about it: it's a known shop, there's already quite some material available, the shop itself is already fully build (=effort) and it also contains stock (though not for every item).

    And last... Slvr already hinted at this but I figured I'd put some extra attention to it: keep well in mind that you're going to need an extra 25k on top of the offer which you're making to Slrv. Both Slvr and you will need to pay 25k to change the ownership of the residence. And of course you'll need to actually have a free residence slot available. If you can't claim a residence right now then you'll also won't be able to buy this.

    Hope this can help somewhat.
    Lukas3226 likes this.
  7. Thank you Shel. :)

    Also - not to disappoint, or to cause confusion, but quite frankly at the time I decided this I wasn't thinking so straight. Things were crazy, I wasn't very into EMC - I want to keep the shop now however.

    HOWEVER, you're still welcome to sell at the shop to help stock it, you can use /tpreview. Thanks all and sorry for the confusion :)
    ShelLuser likes this.