[SELLING] Lots of Promos

Discussion in 'Selling' started by Sychke, Dec 22, 2018.

  1. Hello, I am selling promos on my SMP7 residence at /v 14058.

    The following are being sold:
    3x Avalauncher - 7,000 Rupees Each
    2018 Birthday Cake - 13,000 Rupees
    2x Blizz Ard's Arm - 10,000 Rupees Each
    15x Cooked Turkey - 500 Rupees Each
    Dirt Destroying Ticking Tock - 45,000 Rupees
    7x Dragon Stone - 5,000 Rupees Each
    7x Dragon Stone Fragment - 500 Rupees Each
    Momentus's Toothpick - 18,000 Rupees
    Momentus Head - 25,000 Rupees
    68x Shiny Arrow - 10 Rupees Each
    66x Shiny Flesh - 10 Rupees Each
    Sorgina Head - 25,000 Rupees
    2018 Valentine - 29,000 Rupees
    Vault Voucher - 6,000 Rupees
    23x Zombie Virus - 10 Rupees Each

    If I am not currently online, feel free to pm or mail me in game.
  2. How much for it all?

    Do i get any type of discount for buying everything?
  3. I added up each price and it came to ~250,000 rupees. I would be willing to sell for 210,000. (Price is negotiable)
  4. Alright i will think about it and let you know(also i have to go grind for ruppes as im short by like 100k atm)
  5. Could you go ANY lower on the dirt destroying ticking tock?
  6. Alright, I'll keep my eye on the thread.
  7. I could sell it to you for 40,000.
  8. Ok that i will buy for 40k can you put it on hold till the day after christmas as thats when i will be able to pay?
  9. Sure.
  10. I'll take these, if you still got em'? Let me know I'll send payment.

    Momentus's Toothpick - 18,000 Rupees
    68x Shiny Arrow - 10 Rupees Each
    23x Zombie Virus - 10 Rupees Each

  11. do you still have it?