Discussion in 'Marketplace Discussion' started by emfs_ad, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. Both buyers have backed down, are you still interested in the rose?
    cutejuliew likes this.
  2. You betcha I am! I will come find ya now xD
  3. Are any of the heads still available? Either way, I'll take a labor bench
  4. Ok I'll come over to your res after I'm done with my samich :3
    I'm gonna have to check on the head, I haven't heard from the person for a few days
    cutejuliew and FDNY21 like this.
  5. Alright I'll head over to 7 now
  6. What is a haunted head?
  7. Can I buy the benches for 4.5k each?
  8. An enchanted pumpkin head that dispenses haunted candy
  9. Prices aren't changing :p
    cutejuliew likes this.
  10. I'll buy the iday firework
  11. When and where do you want this delivered?
    cutejuliew likes this.
  12. Bump!
    cutejuliew likes this.
  13. Le Bumpo
    Changed price for Turkey slicer
    cutejuliew likes this.
  14. 6k for a labour bench?
  15. Le Bump, I want your rupees ;)
  16. Is the valentines rose original with lore? If so save it for me, but if it has the blank at the bottom for Aikar's then no thanks ;P
  17. The 2013 one is the one with no message on the bottom
    FDNY21 likes this.
  18. Bump, I believe these are fair prices
  19. Do you still have valentines gift?