[Selling] DCs of Mending Books

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by rykly18, May 31, 2016.


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  1. Aaah...mised the 'storage' part. got it now. Thnaks :)
    Wither_Addict likes this.
  2. I'd like a SC of, uhm, single books then.

    27 * 575r = 15525r, slightly more than the 30k/2.
    Wither_Addict likes this.
  3. All orders up till now have been completed, I am temporarily closing until my finals are done. I'll open again June 10th :)
    Thank you everyone!
  4. I am back and open for business :)
  5. Your order is still here. It's been almost two weeks now, are you planning on picking up any time soon?
  6. Bump! MLG_Subtastic and Arsak, your orders have been ready for a long time now, need me to drop them off?
  7. I would like 2 DCs
    Wither_Addict likes this.
  8. Alright I will get started on your order soon, I got bored so I just flew far away with an elytra, 10k blocks from spawn now
  9. Bump! Just need another five minutes or so to complete your order
  10. I will be home in about 8 hours
    Wither_Addict likes this.
  11. Your order is ready for pickup at "/v 7180 storage" on the right-hand side
  12. Bump! All orders up till now are complete and I have extra DCs waiting to be sold!
  13. Bump! Got an overstock right now! Prices lowered again!
  14. Bump! Approaching 10 DCs of books I need to get rid of!
  15. Ill take a DC, paying now
    Wither_Addict likes this.
  16. Bump! All orders are complete!