Selling all enchantments 5k or less each.

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by KingofKraft13, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. How about an EFF IV Unbreaking III Silk 1 for 4500?
  2. I havent really enchanter bows but i will now lol
  3. added more to the op :)
  4. I want 20 silk touch fortune III eff IV unbreaking III diamond picks.
    10 fire aspect IV looting III and whatever else you can get swords.
    I want 5 infinity I flame power IV bows.
    Thanks :)
  5. please be realistic there is no fortune with silk -_-
  6. ok
  7. I would like some Looting III Swords. I don't really care what the other enchantments are. If you have/get any of those let me know and I'll buy them.