[Selling] 3 well-designed pre-built mall/museum builds on SMP5 and 9

Discussion in 'Selling' started by AlexC__, Dec 29, 2016.

  1. I'm looking to sell three of my pre-built malls which I was never able to find time to get up and running sadly or have decided to close. They could also easily be refurnished into museums and are perfectly suited for it.

    I can sell each of them to three separate people or one person, I don't mind :)

    The residences available are (owned by my ACInc account):
    • 405 SMP1 - right next to graveyard and previously used as a mall
    • 11405 SMP5
    • 18805 SMP9
    While there are probably a few minor differences between each res (so please /v the one you are interested in as well), each has:
    • Overall intricate detail and design w/ water features
    • 2 beacons
    • Materials used include iron block, quartz, sandstone, glass and wood
    • Teleporter lobby to 7 floors (14 section), all colour coded
    • Avoid the hassle with pre-built stands, chests and item frames for most items - would require expanding for recent updates
    • Public utilities
    • Memorable res numbers ending in 05
    • Multiple spaces for 3-4 letter pixel words on the facade
    Some have diamond block decorations, others iron or placeholders.

    Assume that chests are all empty - if some are not, that's just a bonus for you :)

    If you've been looking for a mall/museum builder, or wanted me to work on a project but realised my building service stopped running, then this is the perfect opportunity for you at a lower cost!

    Make sure you view the Residence Selling Rules

    If you're interested, please PM me a reasonable offer :)

    Thank you :D
    LordessSpartan_, mba2012 and Sachrock like this.
  2. Screenshots (used a variety of shaders)

    LordessSpartan_ likes this.
  3. Getting out of the shop business now? :p
    AlexC__ likes this.
  4. The Frontier is more fun :p I might keep 4005, we'll see
    mba2012 likes this.
  5. Does this mean you will no longer be finishing your 4 res mall as well as no longer selling promos/rares?
  6. I'm not sure about the fate of 4005 just yet
  7. Many a promo I've bought from 4005, hopefully you decide to keep the promo floor :)
    AlexC__ likes this.