Rts teleport to other residences

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by 14wcooley, Oct 7, 2012.


Would this help?

Poll closed Oct 10, 2012.
Yes 12 vote(s) 100.0%
No 3 vote(s) 25.0%
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  1. What do you know there is! A quick and easy alternative to the;
    /res pset [playername] build t
    /res pset [playernaem] destroy r
  2. Note for anyone who may use the "Place" flag. This can be just as dangerous as the Build flag. So be careful
    _Stads_ likes this.
  3. In some ways it can be more dangerous... But remember if you use this flag make sure to type /res set bucket f
    This will prevent them from placing a lava bucket on top of your wooden house!
  4. Or, Placing a Stack of Obsidian everywhere - which would be a huge pain to remove :p
  5. Yes lol
  6. When I designed the RTS I purposely left out the ability to teleport to specific points on another residence. The main reason was that people could use it to get into areas someone did not want them in. As chickeneer pointed out though, you can teleport to another res by putting teleport on the first line and the residence number on the second, this will take you to the same place /v address does. I would consider adding the ability to teleport to specific points if you own both residences or something like that.
  7. Or you have build permission, maybe.
  8. That could work, but if you get build permissions taken away, or the residence changes owners the system would have to be smart enough to remove old signs. Their is no central database for signs, all the data is kept on the sign itself.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  9. Yeah, I understand. It would be hard to code.