RFW 29th Jan 5PM GMT

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by d1223m, Jan 28, 2012.

  1. I will Email/Skype that server stuff needed and all they will have to do is run the server (Whoever want to host the server (Who port-forwarded) (you need Hamachi To join Mine we could all join my network If we all have Hamachi)
  2. it is not that long one of the best team in rfw team name was the redstoners
    but if you think that gold nugets is too long we can chang we will chat at school tomoro
    XidarJD :)
  3. I cant do 6 that would be one for me :( on weekends i can do pretty much any time though
  4. we sould do it on sat @ 12:00 pm
  5. What timezone is that?
  6. I can do 3:00pm :) But not 12:00 Sorry

    If it is PvP than read below :)
    (what will the teams will there be can be up to 3-4 :) and then there will be me The Host with a Clan [HOST] or [OWNER] but I will not be bias or I can just be a guy who goes around taking screen-shots :) and making sure it is a fair fight :)

    And the same rules apply to my server to the Empire ones (But the PvP ones the map before the fight will have a bedrock wall in between the team bases and wall away and you fight :) when both teams are ready or the 30 mins or more time limit has gone I will world-edit the wall away.)
  7. terr it is 12:00 est and on a sat
  8. I could do 120o :)
  9. G-N is perfect! We just all live close to each other so we wouldn't need to use skype and also it would be easier practices :D
  10. ya when is the practice
  11. what is the server name